共找到 205 条结果
零之轨迹配曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Zero (Zero no Kiseki) A simple transcription
零之轨迹终曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Zero (Zero no Kiseki) A simple transcription
*粉丝定制* ★☆4人/5人/6人/8人演奏时使用前4/5/6/8轨道即可☆★ 1、使用前请确保你乐团已具备网络同步条件,载体软件具备基础的★自动拆分和弦★功能; 2、狒游乐器音色特殊,midi试听差距极大,★实际效果以游戏内合奏...
空之轨迹3rd ED 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
碧之轨迹OST(ff14演奏专用) 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
零之轨迹OST(ff14演奏专用) 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
闪之轨迹插曲扒谱 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) A simple transcription
空之轨迹FC插曲,钢琴改编 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki FC)
闪之轨迹插曲,钢琴改编 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) A simple transcription
零之轨迹矿石镇BGM,很早以前扒的,比较烂...(ff14演奏专用) 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
空之轨迹3rd插曲,钢琴改编 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki 3rd)
闪之轨迹插曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) A simple transcription
midi/18176.html http://www.midishow.com/midi/22336.html http://www.midishow.com/midi/22337.html 让我来将MID全部上传上去吧,因为我最近在玩空之轨迹
空之轨迹3rd插曲,钢琴扒谱 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki 3rd)
闪之轨迹IV插曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: Trails of the Cold Steel IV, The End of Saga A simple transcription
闪之轨迹4插曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: Trails of the Cold Steel 4, The End of Saga A simple transcription
闪之轨迹IV配曲扒谱.技术渣 Source: Trails of the Cold Steel IV, The End of Saga A simple transcription