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you brea thing in my ear \Would n't you a gree, ba by you and me, /we've got a groo vy kind of love \A ny
/ Ru dolph the red -nosed rein deer / Had a ve ry shi ny nose / And if you e ver saw it, / you would ev en
could b e /Some find it in the face of their child ren /Some find it in their lov ers eyes /Who can't de ny
me /You ne ver let me down be fore, mmmm /Don't i ma gine, you're too fa mi liar /And I don't see you a ny
" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh \Rain y days ne ver say good bye /To de sire when we are to ge ther \Rai ny
, ejes 1997 \Well, no one told me a bout her /The way she lied \Well, no one told me a bout her /How ma ny
meaning of being lonely @T BsB Galaxy 2000 www.bsbgalaxy2000.hpg.com.br \Show me the mean ing of being lon ely \So ma ny
we planned \Won't you look at me /You're a voi ding my gaze /And it seems like you've changed /In so ma ny
\And a ny time you feel the pain, /hey Jude, ref rain, /don't car ry the world up on your sho
be here \Here, ma king each day of the year /Chan ging my life with a wave of her hand /No bo dy can de ny
this song /I just can't re mem ber /who to send it to \I've seen fire and I've seen rain /I've seen sun ny
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba by let me be /Your lo vin' te ddy bear /Put a chain a round my neck /And lead me a ny
mean ing to send /Beau ty I'd always missed /with these eyes be fore /Just what the truth is /I can't say a ny
place to go /Oh, where they play /the right mu sic /Get ting in the swing /You come to look for a king \A ny
I said young man, /when you're short on your dough \you can stay there, and I'm sure you will find /ma ny
\'Cos I love you, but I can't talk a ny more. /There's a look I can't des cribe in your eyes.
ing to say, is that /I'm cra zy for you /Touch me once and you'll know it's true \I ne ver wan ted a ny
like /They ne ver end \Just re mem ber to keep the faith /And love will be there to light the way \A ny
\Har mo ny and un der stan ding /Sym po thy and trust a boun d i ng /No more false hoods or de ri sions, \Gold en