共找到 173 条结果
\[Spoken] /Lately when I'm in my room all by myself, /in the solitary gloom I call to myself \Hey there, you
MACRO---------- 00:Room 1 01:Room 2 02:Room 3 03:Hall 1 04:Hall 2 05:Plate 06:Delay 07:Panning Delay Rev.
MIDI by depth's YouTube Room [https://www.youtube.com/depth172] A Port: SGM-V2.01 C Port: Famicom ---- Reset + Mode Set
\So she ran in to the bed room, / start end instrument_type:513 start end start end start end %- start %+ end start
***** ****Attack Time**** ******************* **Program Number** ******************* *****GS RESET****** Reverb Macro 0:Room
Overdriv Overdrive Room Dru Room Drum Voice Me Voice Mel
3 Clean electric guit 4 Fretless 5 Glockenspiel 6 Nylon guit 7 Atmosphere 8 Fretless solo 10 Room
Synth Strings 1 tk5:Res Bass tk6: clean guitar tk 7: Dist Guitar (feek back) tk 8: jazz guitar tk9: rev cymbal tk 10: Room
在女神异闻录3、4原声集中分别还附赠了一首天鹅绒舞厅版remix版本《天鹅绒房间的蓝调》(Blues in Velvet Room)、《天鹅绒房间的电音》(Electronica in Velvet Room)(在P4U中也重复使用了这两首歌
A1-Piano 1 System Mode 1(GS Reset) Start of Setup by GSAE Reverb Macro : Room 3 Delay Macro : Pan Delay 2 EQ Low Gain
: Resonance 1-32 : Cutoff Freq. 1-99 : Attack 1-100 : Decay 1-102 : Release >>>>> NRPN END >>>>>>>>>>>>> REVERB MODE 2 Room1
GS Reset System Mode 1 Use for Rhythm Part 0:OFF,1:MAP1,2:MAP2 Reverb Macro 0:Room
cart wheels /A cross the floor /I was feel ing kind /Of sea sick /But the crowd /Called out for more /The room
feeling lonely (Lonely) /Oh, I wish I'd find a lover that could hold me (Hold me) /Now, I'm crying in my room
Cause ba by, so am I (so am I, so am I, so am I I I I I) /Can you hear the whis pers all a cross the room
Fine Tune TVF Cutoff Resonance Atack Decay Release Null GM system on GS reset ******************** Reverb Setting Type 00=Room1
Brass/Elec Gtr <TCH/CP BL0193> Channel 2 Sweep Pad <TCH/CP V21993> Clarinet 1 Choir Aah Fantasia GM Room/Power