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your cry ing eyes /How can I ex plain /The fear you feel in si de /'Cause you were born /In to this ev il world
night the stars were shin ing bright /One sum mer dream made with fan cy whims /That sum mer night my whole world
(1987) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba by /I see this world has made you sad /Some peo ple
\But at night it's a different world /Go out and find a girl /Come -on come -on and dance all night /Des
first love /And you'll be my last love /I will nev er make you blue /I'll be true to you /In the whole world
ent leath er shine \He came in to my life /and made the liv ing fine /And gave a mean ing to \this emp ty world
know that I can breath /And I don't need much of an y thing /But sud den ly sud den ly \I am small and the world
there /To lend a hand /In ev ery thing I do /That's the won der /The won der of you \And when you smile /the world
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TOnly You @TThe Platters @TLyrics introduced by Joao Campos \On ly you can make this world
me /Wild and wi re /You come to me, give me eve ry thing I need \You bring a life time of promises /And a world
\And they showed me a world /where I could be so
by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TSELF CONTROL @TLaura Branigan \Oh the night is my world
/ This world has lost its glo ry, / let's start a brand new sto ry now, my love.
\And when the bro ken hart ed peo ple /li ving in the world a gree, /there will be an an swer, let
fight /I know what's real, I know what's right /I'm not a fraid, a wound ed dove /I can be ten der in a world
/He came to the world in the us ual way.
\Hey, Nik it a, is it cold /in your lit tle corn er of the world?
by Stephen Sondheim Arranged by Dave Barduhn As Played by The Stan Kenton Orchestra on the Album "Kenton '76" - Creative World
And The Mel o dies To ge ther /I Am Mu sic And I Write The Songs \I Write The Songs That Make The Whole World
WOMAN @TMichael Bolton \When a man loves a wo man, /can't keep his mind on no thing else, \he'd change the world