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\Ca ba llo le dan sa ba na /por que.....es tá vie jo.....y can sa'o, /pe ro no se dan Generated by GNMIDI 2.0 demo
You can take a break /I'm a hot air bal loon /That could go to space /With the air /Like I don't care /Ba
Fill In AA fn:Fill In BB fn:Fill In CC fn:Fill In DD fn:Intro B fn:Intro C fn:Intro A fn:Ending B fn:Ending A fn:Fill In BA
挺好听的 第一版属于是 原曲:BV1Zh41127Ba 谢谢啤酒烧烤
/When will you re al i ze /Ba by, I'm not like the re s t /Don't wan na break your heart /Wan na give your
/(Christ mas), /Ba by, please come home. \(Christ mas), /The church bells in town. /(Christ mas), /All rin ging
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI was Made for Lovin You @TKiss \Come on Oh Yeah /I was made for lov ing you, ba by
best using Timbres of Heaven @TSound Fonts available on midkar.com Web Site @TTogether with CoolSoft VirtualMIDI Synth \Ba
way from me /We've been down that road be fore \But that's o ver now /You keep me com in' back for more \Ba
ti me ra sa /Sa at per pi sa han te rak hir /Du ni a yang fa na ak an di ting gal kan /Han ya am al an yang di ba
fn:Fill In BA
world /You're gon na know for sure that /I should be your girl \See I used to be a fraid ~ ~ ~ /But now ba
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 \O o oh /Love you till the end of time /O o oh /Ba by I'm gon' love you till the
you're going to be up set /'Cause I was al ways your lit tle girl \But you should know by now /I'm not a ba
don't wanna cry \Once a gain we sit in si len ce /A fter all is said and done /On ly emp ti ness in side us /Ba
\Come on ba by, come on o ver. /Let me be the one to show you.
I feel in side for you ~ ~ ~ /You prob' bly have n't got a clue ~ /But I wish you knew /How I love you ba