共找到 624 条结果
本版本为截取版,请以使用例为准,建议结合配套伴奏使用 BPM:146.68 使用例:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wD4y1B79j 伴奏下载:https://guichushijie.cn/hu...
皇后乐队的Father To Son
护花使者(调教用) 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1g3411t7w9 BPM:154 使用请标注:胡萝卜须儿 接调教扒谱:私信联系、物美价廉
【由于S1扒的midi没写入速度,试听速度会很快】 BPM:122 使用请在简介标注:胡萝卜须儿 配套伴奏下载:https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo
マイのテーマ(Mai’s theme)
A song you may heard it from GTAV.
BPM:135 使用例:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12M4y1v7b5 配套伴奏:https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo 使用请标注:胡萝卜须儿 ------
本版本为截取版 BPM:136 使用例: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tg411S73j 配套自消音伴奏: https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo
ユキ&マイのテーマ(Yuki and Mai’s theme)
It's the ending from Evangelion. I found it somewhere, but I think it may have been removed, so here you go.
Composed in 1990 as incidental music for Lanford Wilson's play "5th of July," it is an anti-war pro-veteran folk song wi...
BPM:70 使用请标注:胡萝卜须儿 配套消音伴奏:https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo
BPM:114 配套伴奏:https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo 使用请标注:胡萝卜须儿
Goi Gio Cho May Ngan Bay
This MIDI music is a pop music style, the original singer is Fu Mengtong, this MIDI music is the second creation of his...
转载HUMMERS - Fallout 2 installer.mid http://www.keygenmusic.net/music/others/HUMMERS-Fallout2installer.7z Mai Zon Il Ga...
Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me. Small and white, Clean and bright, You look happy to...
Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, young Peter Parker returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watch...
"Moonlight Shadow" is a song written and performed by English multi-instrumentalist Mike Oldfield, released as a single...