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FILE @LFRAN @TSauver l'amour @TDaniel Balavoine \Par tir ef fa cer sur le Gange /la dou leur /pou voir par ler un
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @Lesp @THistoria de un amor (Luis Miguel) @Thttp://www.sitio.de/mrgoomer \Ya no es tas mas a mi
\She ran un der neath the ta ble, /he could see she was un a ble.
因为某一天闲得无聊没事做弄的,用来在店里挂机发呆听 b站原视频传送门:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jt41177UN?
Il l'enregistre en single en 1978, extrait de son Even Now, un de ses plus importants succès
自扒midi,如有相同撞车欢迎来对线 歌名:生きていたんだよな 不代表没人弹,参考这个做 传送门:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X4411n7UN?
B站原曲:BV1KJ411C7Un 扒了一半没配和弦 下次在造,滑稽
\And we will live to geth er /un til the twelfth of nev er; /our voic es will ring for ev er as one.
- Marc Anthony & La India \"Vivir lo nuestro" /"Marc Anthony & La India" \Letra sincronizada por: /Speed@2001 \(H) En un
rance is kind /There's no com fort in the truth /Pain is all you find \Should 've known bet ter \I feel so un
Fades a way to no where \How much are you worth \You can't come down to earth \You're swe lling up, you're un
They took the cre dit for your se cond sym pho ny /Re writ ten by ma chine on new tech no lo gy /And now I un
leann_rimes Generated by NoteWorthy Composer @KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @LENGL @TC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\cant_fight_the_moonlight_-_lea / Un
A 3000 - kar by Mike M (December 2000) \Un der a lov er's sky /I'm gon na be with you /And no one's gon na be
but when you're near me /I'm in the mood for love \Hea ven is in your eyes /Bright as the stars we're un
Thttp://laurianemadison.free.fr \Lord on ly knows /Why ~ /Why I love you so /You're a heart less man /I don't un
would n't get this from a ny o ther guy \I just wan na tell you how I'm feel ing /I got ta make you un