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Composed by Cool White (1844) for General MIDI playback
It's have some music that is fire The mysterious vibe of this song is cool Also this is NOT piano playable, it's alto
Sonic Mania Song Title: Studiopolis Zone: Act 1 Sequenced by: Monster Iestyn Other Information: Here we go, another cool
Jean-Roch CAN YOU FEEL IT J-R Pedri/SDO/FB Cool/B.Conti ?
第十二首前是触手猴整活时间 原视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1K84y1x7pw/ ・曲順 01.ナイト・オブ・ナイツ / ビートまりおさん(COOL&CREATE) 原作:ZUNさん(上海アリス
二胡:KiRiKo 吉他:G.A.Cool 编舞:Miume 简介 三人的新作《桃源恋歌》第一次尝试加入中国风。音乐中加入了二胡,歌词虽然是爱情故事,也是取材于中国故事里的桃花源,且加入了中文“我爱你”。
/I won der if you know /I'm try in' so hard /not to get caught up now, /but you're just so cool, /run your
CAFEJUNGLE XFhd:::Techno:Others:1:::::::Mysterious/Scary/Cool XFln:JP:CAFEJUNGLE(かふぇじゃんぐる):::::
Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @THOTEL CALIFORNIA @TThe Eagles \On a dark de sert high way cool
原曲歌姬是结月缘 虽然原作者自述是简单的节奏,但是歌词和调子都很有叙事感且让人相当想循环的毒性 这是原作者的系列曲之一,很好听,强烈推荐大家去油管支持 因为目前油管播放量已经61万了 如果支持的人多,说不定能成为结月缘的第一首英文传...
Nigger Put Down Dat Jug Words by Cool White. (Melody by Henry Russell.) Arranged by J. W.
by: Dorothy Dandridge (1959) Sequence and Karaoke by: Ron Tilden \You're a smooth op er a tor /You're a real cool
Amiyumi @TRRME \It all start ed when we first met /And strapped on our gui tars /We made mu sic so great and cool
. ^_^ still only six tracks here - just like the other one - heh, cool :) Ugh :P - I was workin' on this midi, when
Tkar by Mike M (November 2000) \You and me we had an op por tu ni ty /And we could make it some thing real ly cool
se ven in ches /from the mid day sun \I hear you whis per /and the words /melt e very one /but you stay so cool
Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TMiley Cyrus - Lilac Wine 2012 @TKAR by Estrada 4th November 2012 \I lost my self on a cool
talk ing /But they don't say a thing /They look at me with sad eyes /But I don't want the sym pa thy /It's cool
\You need cool ing /'n' ba by I'm not fool ing. \I'm gon na say it, yeah, /go back to school ing.