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Lyrics by Sammy Cahn @TSaturday Night 1944 @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 22 Mar 2010 @T2010 \When the 'phone starts ring
Music by Joseph Philbrick Webster, 1819-1875. (1868) for General MIDI playback from "The Signet Ring", pages 82-83
06:56 Sincerely 07:09 Ring Ring Rainbow!! 07:14 Jump Up↑ Yell!!
rise up through the night Higher, oh, higher Carrying a song Raise up everything in our hearts that its chorus might ring
Annual Ring Everyone Piano Page 1 /Total 5 EveryonePiano.com www.EveryonePiano.com Everyone Piano Page 2/Total 5 EveryonePiano.com
sing a long ring a bell, liberty! Oh hail! Liberty bell!
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSleigh Ride @TLeroy Anderson Mitchell Paris \Just hear those sleigh bells jing a ling /ring
Lord of the rings
\And we will live to geth er /un til the twelfth of nev er; /our voic es will ring for ev er as one.
smile /And on eve ry street corn er you hear /Sil ver bells, sil ver bells /It's Christ mas time in the ci ty /Ring
Tsade \Your love is King /cro wn you with my heart /your love is King /ne ver need to part /your kis ses ring
\I'm fi lling the cracks that ran through the door /And kept my mind from wan de ring /Where it will go.
Christmas When You're Far From Home 1910 @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 24 March 2011 @T2011 \When Christ mas bells are ring
Bells Will Be Ringing D Aston Comments to onntwo@aol.com
but I sud den ly lose con trol /There' s a fire with in my soul /Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
@LENGL @TLOOK WONDERFUL TONIGHT @TEric Clapton \It's late in the eve ning /She's wond' ring what clothes to wear
----------------------- -------------------------------------- Adressing Wind Chimes for GM2 (GM1 will play a telephone ring
race /Why it's al most like be ing in love \All the mus ic of life seems to be /Like a bell that is ring
Thousand Miles @TVanessa Carlton \Ma king my way down town /Wal king fast /Fa ces pass \And I'm home bound \Sta ring