共找到 170 条结果
Es gibt ein Haus in Neu-Berlin 在新柏林有间房 Man nennt es „Haus Abendrot“ 人称其为“日落之屋” Es war der R...
CCR Bad Moon
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen キミと僕の最後の戦場
Advance Wars 2 Black Hole Rising - Colins Theme
our foes endure Everything's the will of the strong Standing tall in the dark, til we carry on On wings of hope, you rise
美国版的刘三姐山歌(确信) 据说改编自16世纪英语诗歌"The Unfortunate Rake" 最早在1930年代阿巴拉契亚山脉地区被记录下来 游戏内合奏乐器八度设置参考如下 1.双簧管 2.吉他过载 3.吉他清...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THouse of the Rising Sun @TThe Animals \There is a house in New Or leans /They call th...
House Of
这段midi是我直接把原曲mp3文件丢到傅里叶转换从而生成的midi文件,也可以说是一次傅里叶转换实验 由于傅里叶转换带来的精度降低(钢琴只有88个键,你说是吧?),所以乐谱会显得特别杂乱无章(特别是在使用五线谱软件时)
notion, perpetual in motion But I don’t need the comfort of any lies For I have seen the ending and there is no ascending rise
食戟之灵 OP2 ライジングレインボウ(升起的彩虹)
flame Your palms the sweetest pain Let the darkness lead us into the light Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise
我不再沉醉酒香 The thirst that from the soul doth rise 灵魂深处渴仰 Doth ask a drink divine.
Tear the mask of lies asunder; Let the truth be known; With a voice of angry thunder, Rise and claim your own!