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get tin' ol der so much ol der /I love all those young boy days /With a girl like you /With a girl like yo
mat ter what we do /Don't ask me where I've been /Or what I'm gon na do /Just know that I'm here with yo
the Girl @TKen Vong (synergy@intergate.bc.ca) \I step off the tra in /Walk ing down your street a gain /Pa st yo
And we can sing just like our fathers \Come on, Eileen /Oh, I swear /(Well, he means) /At this moment /Yo
\So when you feel like hope is gone, /look in side yo Reset Volume Reset Pan Reset Expression Reset Pitch Wheel
\Don't you give me yo ur, /Ch' mon, /Ch' mon, /Where is your lo ve?
jhames@ctv.es @W Me siento terríblemente solo sin tí \A Lis bo a /en tren de lu jo /yo
\Yo! Come on, move this! /Shake that bod y, shake that bod y. /Shake that bod y, shake that bod y.
Lone ly /I have no bo dy, /To call my owww nnn /I'm so lone ly, \Yo /this one here goes out to all my play
see that you're oh so sad, so qu iet /Ch iq ui tita, tell me the truth /I' m a shoulder you can cry on, /Yo
/ya /y a \Fu tar i ga kit to /de ae ru yo un a ma hou w o kak ete /Ry ou te wo sot to ka sen et e hor a ho ho e
15th June 2012 \Height is the one for me /It gives me a ll I ne ed /And helps me co ex ist with the chill \Yo
wa ni uso no ni o i \ki zu ka me fu ri de ki tta wa /ka wa i ta a to no ma ni ky u a no i ro /mu na shi ku yo
que es tes /de vez en cuan do le jos /y de vez en cuan do cer ca /u nas ve ces su bir, y o tras ca er /y yo
\Yo pue do es ca lar Los An des só lo, /por ir a con tar tus lu na res, /con ti go ce le bro y su fro to do,
mouth /Draw ing me in /and you kick ing me ou t /You've got my head spin ni ng /No kid ding /I can't pin yo
\Yo no de le yes , /ni sé por qué es tas le jos , /gi ta no, gi ta no.
Give a lit tle bi t of your love t o me \Give a li tt le b i t /I'll give a lit tle bit of my love to yo
\And ev 'ry time I'm meant to be /Ac ting sen si ble yo u drift in to my head /And turn me in to a crum