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- Marc Anthony & La India \"Vivir lo nuestro" /"Marc Anthony & La India" \Letra sincronizada por: /Speed@2001 \(H) En un
\And we will live to geth er /un til the twelfth of nev er; /our voic es will ring for ev er as one.
rance is kind /There's no com fort in the truth /Pain is all you find \Should 've known bet ter \I feel so un
Fades a way to no where \How much are you worth \You can't come down to earth \You're swe lling up, you're un
leann_rimes Generated by NoteWorthy Composer @KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @LENGL @TC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\cant_fight_the_moonlight_-_lea / Un
They took the cre dit for your se cond sym pho ny /Re writ ten by ma chine on new tech no lo gy /And now I un
A 3000 - kar by Mike M (December 2000) \Un der a lov er's sky /I'm gon na be with you /And no one's gon na be
but when you're near me /I'm in the mood for love \Hea ven is in your eyes /Bright as the stars we're un
Thttp://laurianemadison.free.fr \Lord on ly knows /Why ~ /Why I love you so /You're a heart less man /I don't un
would n't get this from a ny o ther guy \I just wan na tell you how I'm feel ing /I got ta make you un
You would n't get this, from a ny o ther guy \I just wan na tell you how I'm fee ling /Got ta make you un
the pla ces where we go /when we're grey and old /'cos I've be en told /that sal va tion lets their wings un
bove /With no more hurt /And stru ~u ~gling /Free of all a tro ci ties and suf f'ring /Be cause I feel the /Un
/She did but kept it hid den well, /Un til she cracked and then she fell.
we a ry /When trou bles come and my heart bur dened be, /Then I am still and wait here in the si lence \Un
\I guess they un der stand /How lonely life has been /But life began with him \The day you took my hand \And
\Out si de un der the pur ple sky /Di a monds in the sn o w /Spark le.
/Love ly witch es, let the stitch es /keep your fin gers un der con trol, /cut the thread, but leave /the whole
/Sit there and count your lit tle fin gers, /Un luck y lit tle girl blue.
\I said young man, 'cause you're in a new town /there's no need to be un hap py.