共找到 173 条结果
\Boy don't you hes i tate /I won't keep wait ing for you /To come and let me take /You to my fan ta sy room
ing you please to come home /Come on home \Mak ing love in the aft er noon /with Ce cil ia up in my bed room
\So she ran in to the bed room, / %- %+ %- %+
Hoffmeister @Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TLEMON TREE - Fool's Garden / I'm sit ting here / In a bor ing room
\Oh, I got a fun ny feel ing /When she walked in the room /And I, as I re call it end ed much too soon
Reset All * Reverb Parameters Reverb Macro 00:Room 1 01:Room 2 02:Room 3
3 Clean electric guit 4 Fretless 5 Glockenspiel 6 Nylon guit 7 Atmosphere 8 Fretless solo 10 Room
MACRO---------- 00:Room 1 01:Room 2 02:Room 3 03:Hall 1 04:Hall 2 05:Plate 06:Delay 07:Panning Delay Rev.
I stare at si lence /In the bed room all a round. \Touch me now. /I close my eyes /and dream a way.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE tm @KAll rights reserved, TUNE 1000 CORP. @V0100 @I 09-16-93, 13:00, V.T. @KCopyright WARNER CHAPPE...
母の死 火垂るの墓サウンドトラック3 System Mode 1(GS Reset) Start of Setup by GSAE : 64 Reverb Macro : Room 3 Reverb Character : 7 Reverb
Fine Tune TVF Cutoff Resonance Atack Decay Release Null GM system on GS reset ******************** Reverb Setting Type 00=Room1
: Resonance 1-32 : Cutoff Freq. 1-99 : Attack 1-100 : Decay 1-102 : Release >>>>> NRPN END >>>>>>>>>>>>> REVERB MODE 2 Room1
/So back to my room /And there in the gloom /I cry tears of good bye... /64X \A day in the life o
▼MIDI全体への司令 ▽GMシステムon ※88>SC-88 MODE1 SET ▽MIDI MASTER VOLUME ▽GSリバーヴ設定 設定方法: [ss]前の数値を設定 {}内は設定可能範囲 ・種類(キャラクター) 00〜02:Room1
/Cra zy laugh ter in a nother room /and she drove her self to mad ness with a sil