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\Now - /the mist a cross the /win dow hides the lines /But noth ing hides /the col our of the /lights that shine
184BPM 这首歌曲是作为电视动画《某科学的超电磁炮S》的第一首片尾曲。 井口裕香本人称这首歌曲是“可以直唱的歌曲”,歌曲带有着御坂美琴为了未来而努力的感觉。此外,根据井口的说法,这首歌一是具有“专心奔跑的形象”,二是有“停下...
a boy in my mind and he knows /I'm thin kin' of him /All my way to the day and the night /the stars shine
马修连恩同名曲《bressanone》布列瑟侬。 Here I stand in Bressanone 我站在布列瑟侬 With the stars up in the sky 密布着星光的苍穹下 Are they shining...
自扒谱,适当借鉴从b站学来的和弦搭配 附中英文歌词 喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊 慢羊羊 软绵绵 红太狼 灰太狼 别看我只是一只羊 绿草因为我变得更香 天空因为我变得更蓝 白云因为我变得柔软 别看我只是一只羊...
mdr@lgs.it \When the moon hits your eye /like a big piz za pie \That's A mor e /When the world seems to shine
Title: Reina – D.T. When I wake up I could see you through the sky, All your voice and smell is nearby The sun is s...
追逐着那未曾见过的梦想轨道 Shining Road 带着这份心情 踏出这一步 满怀干劲 笔直地找寻着你的踪迹 已经无法停止 快要飞奔而出了 我们的勇气 让大家怦然心动着 一如既往的世界之中的崭新大门 一...
FILE @LENGL @TCarolina in my Mind @TJames Taylor \In my mind I'm going to Ca ro lin a /Can't you see the sun shine
牛奶咖啡 - 快乐星猫 作词:庄锦斌 作曲:陆琦 我是一只猫 快乐的星猫 周围冒气泡 音乐的符号 我是一只猫 带给你热闹 一起来舞蹈 你快乐就好 我的身体摇摇 嘴巴翘翘...
来自天籁歌后Enya的《May it be》
No 1Hit Medley -Modern Talking In my heart There's a fire a burning heart In my heart There's desire for a start I'...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered by Raphael Pungin. br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TETERNAL FLAME @TBan...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LMusic by Kurt Weill - Lyrics by Ira Gershwin @TThere'll Be Life Love And Laughter 1945 Kurt Weill...
Nah, I want all of 'em" Happiness is the same price as red bottoms My smile is beamin', my skin is gleamin' The way it shine
here \My Sun ny one shines so sin cere /Oh Sun ny, one so true, I love you \Sun ny, thank you for the /sun shine
\Sun ny, /Thank you for the sun shine bou quet. \Sun ny, /Thank you for the love you brought my way.
love her \A love like ours could ne ver die /as long as I have you near me \Bright are the stars that shine
kar by Mike M \Night time slows, rain drops splash rain bows /Per haps some one you know could spark le and shine
the stars come out to see that twinkle in your eye I'm gonna wait till the midnite hour That's when my love begins to shine