共找到 173 条结果
\Would you help me stand /if I saw you in hea ven? \I'll find my way thro
thought, /see eve ry dream /and give her wings, when she wants to fly \And when you find your self /ly ing help
sen sa tion \Dark ness stirs and /Wakes i ma gi na tion \Si lent ly the sen ses /A ban don their de fen ces \Help
ing /Born to the world /Got to give them all we can /'Til the war is won /Then will the work be done \Help
ing /Numb and fro zen /A mong the things I love so dear ly /The books, the paint ings and the fur ni ture /Help
/Man, I'm just tir ed and bored with my self \Hey there ba by, /I could use just a lit tle help.
n't keep \Pro mised my self I would n't weep /One more pro mise I could n't keep \It seems no one can help
I'm ju st hap py \Think I'm ju st hap py /Think I'm ju st hap py \My heart is broke /but I have some glue /Help
/Hea ven help him, when he falls. \Dia mond life, lo ver boy.
try ing ooh so lon g to let you kn o w \Let you know ho w I feel /And if I stum ble if I fa ll, just help
track by notorazr \Some peo ple stand in the dark ness /Af raid to step in to the light /Some peo ple need to help
Gogo 3
Som 23