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, /with a roof right over our heads /We'll share the shel ter, /of my sin gle bed /We'll share the same room
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCabaret @TLiza Minelli \What good is sitt ing /a lone in your room /Come hear the
\So I'm back to the vel vet un der ground, /back to the floor that I love, /to a room with some lace and
\In tense si lence as she walked in the room, /her black robes trail ing: Sis ter of the Moon.
\The room was hum ming hard er /as the cei ling flew a way.
TNorwegian Wood @TThe Beatles \I on ce had a girl, /or should I say /she on ce had me \She show ed me her room
/No dark sar casm in the class room. \Tea chers, leave those kids alone .
\But I'm blu er than blue /Sad der than sad /You're the on ly life this emp ty room has ev er had /Life with
: Resonance 1-32 : Cutoff Freq. 1-99 : Attack 1-100 : Decay 1-102 : Release >>>>> NRPN END >>>>>>>>>>>>> REVERB MODE 2 Room1