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213 The First Noel By Traditional English carol Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Sonata in D Minor K213 L108
m.1 斯拉夫女人的告别 m.60 士兵之歌 m.77 飞得更高 m.85 军舰是一个大家庭 m.109 炮兵进行曲 m.125 我们需要一次胜利 m.149 进行曲 "去保卫和平" m.181 进行曲 "Kant" m.213
Chinese(c)-EM213k Converted with PSRUTI http://www.heikoplate.de
only my railgun MidStamp-1.00: 090U3(Y#2;_213F#N2M1G%0``
SY_213_4chd SY_Team
with a total of 4,135 notes, divided into 5 tracks, the initial tempo is 125bpm, the min tempo is 45bpm, the max tempo is 213bpm
41.01219 PBW=205,97,174,62,147,124,69,146,120,134 PBY=2.7,-5.9,5.8,0.2,11.3,-0.7,4.8,-4,1.3, PBS=0 0003: mod=0 flag=e PBS=-213