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来源于机战 机战的O神 BIG-O的战斗曲,厚重感扑面而来!
since you left me /I've been try ing to hide the pain /Pain ting on a smile with lip stick /Put ting on a big
Big \Hold on lit tle girl. /Show me what he's done to you. \Stand up lit tle girl.
Studios @KBy RicBNH @I 04.05.04 @LENGL @TWE WILL ROCK YOU Remixed/combined by RicBNH \Bud dy, you're a boy, /make a big
\Bud dy, you're a boy, /make a big noise play ing in the street, /gon na be a big man some day.
much fun \Hol ding hands and skim ming stones /Had an old gold Che vy and a place of my own \But the big