共找到 9 条结果
(Difficult version)
Just Something I made
FFVII - It's Difficult Standing On Both Feet Isn't It
can you play this? no? use your feet. you can't? use your tongue. still? use your nose? huh? get another person. you're...
Memories of Victoria Henesys Town Wizet MapleStory Wizet MapleStory Pretty Difficult to do!
Constant Moderato purpurfox Mitsukiyo It is extremely difficult for me to rewrite 80% of this music using MIDI, so it is
Sheet + Midi : https://sheet.host/sheet/Q2p8kK NOTE: Most of my arrangements are literally difficult.
Sheet + Midi : https://sheet.host/sheet/1gOv96 NOTE: Most of my arrangements are literally difficult.
Note that the notes of the slide whistle in measures 8, 16, 40, 48, and 64 were difficult to make, so those notes are missing