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Sac Mau
Sac Mau Tinh Yeu
Sac 024
Sac 028
will find /the re's no thing there to hide \Take me as I am, take my life /I would give it all, I would sac
sky /And I do be lieve that we re ly on \When I lay it on /Come get to play it on /All my life to sac
\One thing can le ad to an oth er /It does n't take an y sac ri fice /O h, Fa ther and Mo th er /Sis ter and
/The bright bles sed day, the dark sac red night. /And I think to my self what a won der ful world.
we can do it any how /I and I will see you through, /'Cos ev e ry day we pay the price /with a little sac