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Walk Thru Fire - Vicetone、Meron Ryan Talk to me 向我倾诉吧 Spill the secrets you've been keepin' 吐露你埋藏于心底的秘密 Life cuts
/If they move too quick (Oh-Ah-Oh), /they' re fall ing down like a do min o.
been painting every fence I know 我涂画出我所知的每一处险阻 Every color bleeds into the same 层叠的颜色或许已经模糊 'Cause before you go and walk
found anyone who fulfilled my needs A lonely place to be and so I learned to depend on me I decided long ago Never to walk
/You walk me to the car, /and you know I wan na /ask you to dance right there /in the mid dle of the /par
@Twritten by Artis Ivey, Jr (Coolio \As I walk through the val ley of the /sha dow of death, I take a look
FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TEscapade (1) / As I was walk
TXmas Carol \Sleigh bells ring, are you listen in' /In the lane, snow is glisten ing /A beaut i ful sight, we're
down and /melts the tar u pon the ro of /And your shoes get so hot you /wish your tir ed feet were fi re
V0100 @TMariah Carey - You need me @TBy Lauriane @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TJuin 2004 \Wait a mi nute /Be fore you walk
message to you - Bee Gees @Tseq by Norma Williams \The preach er taunt ed me and he smil ed, /Said, "Come and walk
nev er was a chea tin' kind /But It was n't cause the lad ies did n't try /Now ev' ry where we g o /They're
/See you walk ing 'round /like it's a fu n'ral /Not so se ri ous, girl /why those feet cold?
Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSTAYING ALIVE @TBee Gees \Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMISSING @TEverything But the Girl @TKen Vong (synergy@intergate.bc.ca) \I step off the tra in /Walk
feel like this /I'm thrown and ov er blown with bliss /There must be an an gel /Play ing with my he art \I walk
/And you come a round \And the world's a live /With the sound of kids /On the street out side \When we walk