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源自Microsoft(R) Office 2007 的 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\安装目录下的midi输入文件
RUSH C# By sheet music boss(SMB) in C# Major
English: This is a Bb minor version of Rush Alejo Master. 日本語: ラッシュアレホマスターのBbマイナーバージョンです。 Note: Japanese version...
C# major
Fantasia in C Major
Blues Blues C-major IVAN Have one for the road A slow, "closing for the night" Blues.
Prelude in C Major, BWV 846
Here's a C major midi if interested
Haydn C Major By Unregistered User Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Quintetto in C Major
舒曼 C大调幻想曲,作品 17 Schumann Fantasia in C Major, Op. 17
http://www.armory.com/~keeper/midiall.html 最短的四声部赋格之一。
Bach Prelude 1 C 846
Transcribed by Maelstrom Source: https://ichigos.com/sheets/330 "Organ short 600 million in C# minor" is a MIDI music
舒伯特 C大调流浪者幻想曲,作品 760 Schubert Fantasia in C Major, D. 760 "Wandererfantasie"
舒曼 C大调托卡塔,作品 7,快板 Schumann Toccata in C Major, Op. 7, Allegro
Bach prelude 1 c Major
贝多芬 两首回旋曲,第一首,C大调回旋曲,作品51 Beethoven Rondo in C Major No. 1, Op. 51
Concerto for Mandolin in C major Written by the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi in 1725