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Witchdoctor by Cartoons. Song written by Ross Bagdasarian ×註明× 部分樂器無法在MIDISHOW的播放器正常演奏。實際音樂會有所不同。
witch doctor单音轨版本 适合utau
*粉丝点歌* *本midi仅适合FF14玩家用于游戏吟游诗人演奏* *B站@见习饼饼 *豆豆柴区-水晶塔-ID看了也学不会,咸鱼一个欢迎找我玩~
just found this
Winther *** non commercial use only *** Sequenced by: Kim Frandsen & Kim Winther, Denmark Date: March, 1999 Artist: Cartoons
Check the visuals here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTiq82y7Uok from the cartoon television show, "Adventure Tim...
Cartoon songs that everyone must know
Interesting theme from cartoon
When creating the soundtrack to "Fullmetall alchemist", many different directions were used, including pop, rock and sym...
Disney - Arabian nights is a MIDI music piece in cartoon music style, played by Acoustic Grand Piano solo.
Gr 2