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动物狂想曲 OST - Determination
It is now even more accurate than before. I fixed all of the low notes. That's about it.
Unbreakable Determination - Ninja Gaiden
所属Au:Underswap 曲目类型:Megalo Strike Back 原作者:Kibo 扒了一点都不准的谱,如果使用请注明原作者及我的名字
是UTD phase3!!!
本midi为Remix版本的扒谱,该Remix出处:https://youtu.be/QctmEqjXeyI 原曲:鲜烈之龙(忍者龙剑传4-2)
所属AU:Underswap 曲目类型:Megalo Strike Back 原作者:Kibo 音Mad副产物,扒得不准还请见谅
【Ending Time Octet/八重终结】 Phase 5 OST-019 Collapsed Determination [崩坍决心]
本midi为法WAV版本的扒谱 琶音有误 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Af06eyDnN5Fwi72Q-CsRDQ?pwd=385b 提取码:385b
Midis by idk
took me forever to recreate this lead!
Composed by Yasuharu Takanashi, it evokes a mix of melancholy, determination, and mystery.