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Het stond in totaal 64 weken in de Mega 100, wat tot februari 2010 het record was voor de langstgenoteerde plaat ooit.
I made it in FL Studio, for the MU100 and later. It was easy. It wasn't hard.
专为ACE Studio和VOCALOID调校打造,拖进去即可使用! !对延音进行了大量优化,与原曲贴合度接近100% 原曲传送门:https://music.163.com/song?
在这些版本中最出名的是第四首,即《传说之下》原声集中的第100首音乐。一般这个歌名也单指这首歌。 这首快节奏的曲子于屠杀路线最终战,与Sans的战斗中播放。
In the FX tab, add chorus with 18% mix, Compressor with 100% mix, Reverb with 14% mix, EQ with Freq 215hz and Q 35%, gain
Cut off is 1952 HZ, RES is 23%, Fil is 50%, Drive is 0 %, Fat 100% and Mix 93 %. OSC A and B is Basic Shapes Preset.
自己扒的人声..新手刚学几天Fl studio,自己在用来做鬼畜,总体节奏应该是没问题了,可能有些细节问题,需要通过UTAU或者剪辑视频时自己修改。
fl studio扒谱
The studio version was digitally released on March 25, 2008, by Island Records as the only single from the band's first live