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ff14诗人自用 双人合奏 竖琴&单簧管
调教用 V家 bpm120
前面 瞎做的 BPM120
When You and I Were Young Words--anonymous. Music by Charles G. Degenhard. (1854) for General MIDI playback Ballad
When You and I Were Young Words by Lady Spencer.
When You And I Were Young, Maggie Composed by James Austin Butterfield (1866) for General MIDI playback Words by George W
friend And take me as your lover and your man Pretty young girl of my mind How I wish you to be mine Girl you're no
In Olden Times When You and I Were Young Words and Music by James W.
Forever Young Forever Young Alphaville Stark Naked and Absolutely Live Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Maggie's Answer Response to "When You and I Were Young, Maggie" by James Austin Butterfield (1868) for General MIDI playback
If I had to live my life without you near me The days would all be empty The nights would seem so long With you I see
The Past We Can Never Recall Jamie Response to "When You and I Were Young Maggie" Words by Luke Collin.
You're My Everything Music by Mort Dixon and Joe Young
River flows in you by Yiruma
Ashley Alisha、Henry Young
SHE'S SO YOUNG ;Words and music by Berg
@KRemixed @RAN Productions Studios @KBy RicBNH @I 04.05.04 @LENGL @TWE WILL ROCK YOU Remixed/combined by RicBNH \Bud