更多“Falcom”相关的 MIDI 作品
第 1-20 首 MIDI 音乐,共 30 首
闪之轨迹4插曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: Trails of the Cold Steel 4, The End of Saga A simple transcription
空之轨迹3rd插曲,钢琴改编 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki 3rd)
空之轨迹FC插曲,钢琴改编 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki FC)
闪之轨迹III插曲,渣技术扒谱,累死左手系列 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel III (Sen no Kisek...
闪之轨迹IV插曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: Trails of the Cold Steel IV, The End of Saga A simple transcription
闪之轨迹插曲,钢琴改编 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) A simple transcription
空之轨迹3rd插曲,钢琴扒谱 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki 3rd)
闪之轨迹插曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) A simple transcription
創の軌跡 娃娃拉碧丝的登场曲 纯耳扒,有几处错音,懒得改了 调性暂且定为B Dorian, 即三升号,不过自然G,和升G音都出现挺多次的, Hajimari no Kiseki
空之轨迹3rd配曲,乐谱网上其实很早就有.但还是稍作调整 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki...
闪之轨迹插曲,钢琴改编,音域跨度大,需两人三手演奏 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel(Sen no Kiseki)
闪之轨迹4标题曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel IV(Sen no Kiseki IV), The End of Saga Title BGM...
零之轨迹终曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Zero (Zero no Kiseki) A simple transcription
闪之轨迹IV配曲扒谱.技术渣 Source: Trails of the Cold Steel IV, The End of Saga A simple transcription
闪之轨迹插曲扒谱 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) A simple transcription
闪之轨迹II插曲,渣技术扒谱 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel II(Sen no Kiseki II)
曲名翻译【在利贝尔行走】 想改成钢琴谱来着,声部太多混在一起一团糟,麻了,干脆扒管弦总谱吧。。 不过毫无写管弦曲子的经验,后来发现大号和低音提琴的音域搞的太低了,应该高八度才正常。。 长笛应该高八度 部分小号的声部也应该用圆号演奏更...
sc-88pro ver YS ETERNAL -OPENING- =YS100S8.MID= 今回のYSに新曲を入れるかどうか? かなりもめましたが、結果2曲だけ新曲が追加 となりました。そのうちの1曲です。GM版とそう...
闪之轨迹III插曲,渣技术纯耳扒谱,累死左手系列 调性定为降D Lydian,四降号,降G音很少见,多为自然G音 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails...
闪之轨迹III插曲,渣技术扒谱 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel III (Sen no Kiseki III)