共找到 22 条结果
This is a MIDI arrangement of "Eye of the Storm," which plays during the Scarlet Keep strike in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep.
rights by: Spectrium Music This is a midi of Spectrium Music's cover of Keep of Voices + Riven of a Thousand Voices from Destiny
This is a midi of Destiny 2: Shell of What Was. I used an online midi converter that messed up some of the notes.
在b站刷到了老爷爷二胡的视频,唏嘘 棒鸡你罪大恶极,年四做的什么玩意
吞食天地坐船音乐Destiny Of An Emperor 2是一首动漫/游戏音乐风格的 MIDI 音乐
reset gs set gs s...
Deep Stone Lullaby from Destiny 2
Destiny Of An Emperor 2
高达seed Destiny OP1
《fields of hope》是《机动战士高达SEED》 《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》两部作品都有出现的经典曲目。由田中理惠演唱。 针对FF14音域已做调整,该midi适用FF14,适用乐器已在谱面标出。