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Rise, Shine, For Thy Light Is A-Comin' Words & Music: anonymous. Arranged by John W.
Muse Guiding Light
/You shine them when I'm al on e! /And so I tell my self that I'll be str o n g!
FF14大合奏用 By 龙巢神殿 索蕾特卡洛琳
motion But it’s not what you signed up for I’m sure there won’t always be sunshine But there’s this momentary beam of light
TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \To night, /There'll be no dark ness to night \Oh tight /Let your love light
LENGL @T"I Like Chopin" @TBy Gazebo @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \Re mem ber that pia no, so de light
/I've ne ver seen you shine so bright.
\Now - /the mist a cross the /win dow hides the lines /But noth ing hides /the col our of the /lights that shine
mise lies with in you now \May it be the sha dows call /Will fly a way /May it be your jour ney on /To light
I Like Chopin @TGazebo \Re mem ber that pia no, so de light ful, unu su al /That clas sic sen sa tion, senti men
with you when /The stars start fall ing \I've been wait ing so lon g /To be where I'm go i n' /In the sun shine
introduced by Joao Campos @TEmail: joao_campos@grupo.bfe.pt \If I can reach the stars, /Pull one down for you, /Shine
say /Your go ing the wrong way \You've got to try a litt le kind ness /Yes show a litt le kind ness /Yes shine
TGoodnight @TBy The Beatles \Now it's time to say good night /Good night sleep tight /Now the sun turns out his light