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thoughts run ning through my head /I feel that love is dead /I'm lov ing an gels in stead \And through it all
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Can't Wait/Nu Shooz @TJohn Smith \My l ov e, /tell me what it's a l l a bout /You've
the col our of the /lights that shine /El ec tri ci ty's so fine /Look and dry your eyes \We - /so tired of all
seq. from Midisale.com @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @L3:30 @TLights @TEllie Goulding @TRRME \I had a way the n los ing it all
dict ed to a life of /ma te ri al /It's some kind of joke, I'm ob ses sive ly /op po sed to the typ i cal /All
should be sleep ing like a log, /But when I get home to you, /I find the things that you do, \Will make me
\All your life /all you've asked when's your Dad dy /gon na talk to you.
way /I've heard her say /From each oth er \Ev en lov ers need a hol i day /Far a way from each oth er \Hold me
it's me.. /I was won der ing if af ter all these years /You'd like to meet.. /to go o ve r..
The sun comes up It’s a new day dawning It’s time to sing Your song again Whatever may pass And whatever lies before me
/Par fois mê me /PFFF SHE BAM POW BLOP WIZZ!
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TMariah Carey - Someday @TBy Lauriane \You were so blind to let me
Zhou (C) (P) Lyra's Fantasyland Inc. 1998 -------------------------- Making Background: Silverbird gave me her favourite
Kelly @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYou Are Not Alone @TMichael Jackson \An oth er day has gone /I'm still all a lone
will always love you /I will always love you /You, my darling you, mmm \Bitter sweet memories /That is all
T10,000 Angels @TMindy McCready \Speak in' of the dev il Look who just walked in /He knows just where to find me
c) 1995 Vincenzo Palleschi @LENGL @TB_BODY \If I said you have a beautiful body /Would you hold it against me
\Things you say and do /Just thrill me thro' and thro', /I'm get ting sen ti men tal o ver you.
Backstreet's Back) by Backstreet Boy Raymond Lee Best play with SB AWE64, Yamaha XG and other good Wave Table Synthesis All