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Music name:Esta cancion dura 1:57 pero no dejiaras de repetirla by:Spanentelio Original song: hand lyricist:アボガド6(avogado6
此外,本曲亦拥有众多其他改编版本:如专辑《ラブ・オン・パレード》收录了由GUMI演唱的版本;《世迷言ユニバース》收录了由RAM RIDER重编曲的版本;《深海少女 ~hand in hand~》则收录了由Dixie Flatline、cosMo
http://www.armory.com/~keeper/midiall.html I chose to do this one because of the constant syncopation in the right hand,
歌词 Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my hand Hold it tight I will protect you From all around you
Right Hand
v MAHO° Hand Clap Snare Drum 1 Open Hi-hat 1 Closed Hi-hat 1 Tambourine
Hand Lt. Hand Beat
From one world, We are family Travel dreams, thouands miles, meeting in Beijing, Come together,Put your hand in mine You
above your hand(散华礼弥ed)
KN2000 SO
Sabbath Morning by Frederic Woodman Root, 1846-1916 (24 March 1871) for General MIDI playback To Jessie and May from "Hand
then we talk slow You come over and start up a conversation with just me And trust me I'll give it a chance now Take my hand
of 30-240bpm MIDI Channel Recommended Instrumentation 1 Piano Solo (Left & Right Hand
Sleep By Garbage Generated by NoteWorthy 1.0 Piano Right Hand Piano Left Hand
A A B B solo part accompaniment right hand accompaniment left hand Telemann, G.F. - Flute Sonata from Getreue Musikmeister