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yo ur side /I 'll be th e re \I see the ques tions in your eyes /I know what's wei ghing on yo ur mind /You
TErasure \I try to dis co ver /A lit tle some thing /To make me sweet er \Oh ba by re frain /From break ing my
made it through the wil der ness /Some how I made it through \Did n't know how lost I was /Un til I found you
\There goes my ba by, there goes my heart, /they're gone for ev er, /they're so far a part.
TI-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1997 \Hearts gone a stray /Lea ving hurt when they go \I went a way /Just when you
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TThis Used To Be My Playground by Madonna @Tlyrics added by Karen Jones
@I@Copyright 1996 @LENGL @T*RED RED WINE* @Tby UB40 \Red red wine /goes to my head /make me for get that i still
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMaggie May @TRod Stewart \Wake up Mag gie, I think I've got /some thing to say to you
E-mail: mdr@lgs.it \(M) I got chills, /they're mul t i ply in' \a nd I'm los in' co n tr ol /Cause the pow er \you
KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TNo More Lonely Nights @TPaul McCartney \ I can't wait an oth er day, un til I call you
\You can buy a dream or two /To last you all through the years.
@LENGL @TAngel of the Morning - Juice Newton @Tseq by DARLA \There'll be no strings to bind your hands /not if my
@TRoxette \My pa pa told me to say out of troub le /"When you've found your man, /make sure he's for real
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THelp Me Rhonda @TBeach Boys \Since she put me down I've /been out do in' in my head
Bento <fbento@unave.ua.pt> 16/05/96 @W @W*************** Have Fun **************** @W \It's rai nin g again /Oh no, my
\Some thing in your eyes was so in vit ing, /some thing in your smile was so ex cit ing, /s ome thing in my
I'm dumb /or may be just hap py /Think I'm ju st hap py \Think I'm ju st hap py /Think I'm ju st hap py \My
@LENGL @TFAITHFULLY @TJourney \High way run in to the mid night sun /Wheels go round and round /You're on my