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muse.htm \Fear /And pa nic in the air /I want to be free /From de so la tion and de spair /And I feel /Like eve
Did you e ver think /That we could be so close, like bro thers \The fu ture's in the air /I can feel it eve
don't mat ter /We both paid the price /Tears in my eyes /You know some times /It'd be like that ba by /Now eve
Reindeer @TAuthor unknown \Grand ma got run ov er by a rein deer, /walk ing home from our house Christ mas Eve
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TAnother Day @TPaul McCartney \Eve ry day she takes a morn ing /bath she wets her hair
TTheme to Cheers @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \Mak ing your way in the world to day takes eve
breathe /Walk with me, and may be \Nights of light so soon be come /Wild and free I could feel the sun /Your eve
i_belong_to_you-[k] \When these pil lars get pulled down, /It will be you who wears the crown, /And I'll owe eve
@LENGL @TFragile @TSting /If blood will flow /when flesh and steel are one /Dry ing in the co lour /of the eve
Shi ning com ple tely /For you \So blessed /A ma zing ly /Tou ching you now /A wa kens me /You are my heart /My eve
a lot of friends /But I don't hear from them /What's an o ther night all a lone /When you're spen ding /eve
@Tendless love @T \My Love /there's on ly you in my life \The on ly thing that right /My first Love \Your eve
Take it and use.
\The trees that whis per in the eve ning /Car ried a way by a moon light
Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \Oh what a feel ing I get when I 'm with you /You take my heart in to eve
you \Hold me, love me /Hold me, love me \Ain't got noth in' but love babe /Eight days a week \Love you eve
glish man in New York \See me walk ing down Fifth A ven ue /A walk ing cane here at my side \I take it eve
Creator 1.1 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TEXHALE (Shoop Shoop) @TWritten by Babyface @TSynchro AMKAR \Eve
din back from some where /he ne ver sho uld have been \And the thun der rolls /and the thun der rolls \Eve
\Trus tin gly /I gave my self to you /I let you in side /Be lie ving your lies \And you don't re mem ber /Eve