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/Then, I saw Mom my tick le San ta Claus /Un der neath his beard so snow y white; /Oh, what a laugh it would
/We come from the land of the ice and snow, \From the mid night sun /where the hot springs blow.
CHRISTMAS / Have a hol ly jol ly Christ mas / It's the best time of the year, / I don't know if there'll be snow
Japan @IBig in Japan @LENGL @TBig in Japan @TAlphaville @TTranscript by DREB \Win ter ci ty si des /Crys tal bits of snow
.* /(Christ mas), /The snow's co ming down. /(Christ mas), /I'm wat ching it fall.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TJingle Bells @TXmas Carol (James Pierpont 1857) \Dash ing through the snow /On a one horse
ones I used to know /Where the tree -tops g list en /And child ren l ist en /to hear sleigh -bells in the snow
in side of here /And bab y you can cry all night /But that will nev er change \the way that I feel /The snow
\Like a rose un der the Ap ril snow /I was al ways cer tain /love would grow.
/Some peo ple say /This town don't look good in snow /You don't care /I Know \Ven tu ra High way /In the sun
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TJingle Bells @TTraditional Christmas Song \Dash ing through the snow