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wo man is wild a she- cat tamed by the purr of a ja guar /Mo ney's the mat ter /If you're in it for love
o o o o o o oo \O oo, I wan na touch the sky /I wan na fly so hi g h /O oo, I wan na hold you /I wan na love
@TYOU'RE A WOMAN @TBad Boys Blue \To night, /There'll be no dark ness to night \Oh tight /Let your love light
TKar by Geoffrey Carter 6th August 2014 \Guess it's true /I'm not good at a one night stand /But I still need love
lone, you know it'll be me /Tell me your trou bles and doubts /Giv ing me ev ery thing in side and out /Love's
\So she took he love /for to gaze a while /up on the fields of bar ley.
\Your love light shines like card board /But your work shoes are gli sten ing \She's a P h D in "I told
need to re a lize /You'll feel my e mo tions if you look in my eyes \Hey dar lin' /I know you think my love
ing glow \Most peo ple looked at him /With ter ror and with fear \But to Mos cow chicks /He was such a love
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TDON'T STOP TILL YOU GET ENOUGH @TMichael Jackson \Love
\The sun's in my heart /and I'm rea dy for love.
de light ful, unu su al /That clas sic sen sa tion, senti men tal con fu sion \Used to say "I like Cho pin" /Love
笑顔の魔法を あなたにかけて 私だけの 不思議をあげる 感じてる次の世界 信じてるいつか夢を きっと叶えて Just fall in love
IKaraoked by Jim Smith @LENGL @TRUNAWAY @Tby Del Shannon \As I walk a long /I won der what went wrong \With our love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Dig Rock and Roll @TPeter Paul and Mary \I dig Rock and Roll mus ic /and I love to
for gran ted I was so ca valier /Now the way that it stands \She's out of my hands /So I've learned that love
com pli ca ted /And though I know you can't app re ci ate it /I'm on ly hap py when it rains \You know I love
dark ened room /and you're all a lone /look ing out the win dow /your heart is cold and lost /the will to love
First Love. Words & Music: Adele Adkins. 2007.
\Well she looked at me, /and I, I could see, /That be fore too long I'd fall \in love with her.