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0:00 - The City Favored by Wind 1:07 - Vague Whispers 2:06 - Dawn Winery Theme 3:15 - Rainbow at Summit https://www.youtube.com
Dances Johannes Brahms was born in Hamburg in North Germany, and his ambition for many years was to return to his native city
Sim City
长笛,单簧管,圆号,小号,双簧管,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异
Kelly Time - Owl City
Released September 1978 (US) Recorded 1978 Studio Plaza Sound Studios, New York City Genre Glam rock Length 3:01 Label
River City Ransom Password Theme (Piano mix) Andrea Hartmann
HOT CHILD IN THE CITY ;Nick Gilder / James McCulloch Back Vocal
MIDI中十六分音符旋律参考了BILIBILI“工程部老周”的视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rj411x7fJ MIDI只包含原曲前半部分,即从原曲至第一次副歌后的间奏。
19XX - Stage 5: City Lights in the Black Straig Sean Bee 2005
making it one of only four Grand Theft Auto themes to be officially released to date (the others being the "Theme from Vice City
), Italy /============== MIDI SEQUENCER ============= | Name : Sayyid Ibnu Husein Al-Aththas GM | Location : City
Spain /============== MIDI SEQUENCER ============== | Name : Sayyid Ibnu Husein Al-'Aththaas GM | Location : City
Collection album, making it one of several Grand Theft Auto themes to be officially released, including "Theme from Vice City