共找到 236 条结果
\But I tried and tried to for get you girl /but it's just so hard to do /eve ry time you do that th
\Oh no, it's rai nin g again /and you know it's hard to pre tend.
\Bab y, some times I'm so care free, /With a joy that's hard to hide.
\This night the dream was lea ving /she tried so hard to keep.
\When I think of all the times /I've tried so hard to leave her /She will turn to me and start to cry
/Ye ah, I missed you \And you say I on ly hear what I want to: /I don't lis ten hard.
splen dour \Grasp it, sense it /Tre mu lous and ten der \Hear ing is be lie ving /Mu sic is de cei ving \Hard
deep \I must be look ing for some thing /Some thing sacr ed I lost \But the ri ver is wide /And it's too hard
The Legend of Zelda: Master Quest Bonus Disc Game Select It wasn't hard at all. Enjoy!
fast, co ming soon /We made love in the af ter noon \Found a flat, af ter that /We got mar ried \Wor king hard
cnct.com @LENGL @TSEPTEMBER MORN @TNeil Diamond \Stay for just a while, let me lo ok a t you /Been so long I hard
I'm so in love with you /I'll be for ev er blue \That you gim me no rea son /Why you make -a -me work so hard
\What the peo ple need is a way to make 'em smile, /it ain't so hard to do if you %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %
\The room was hum ming hard er /as the cei ling flew a way.
\A love like ours is love that's hard to find. /How could we let it slip a way?
/I was so hard to please. \Look a round, leaves are brown, /and the sky is a ha zy shade of win ter.