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Recorded by Billie Myers Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 07/25/98 deb@who.net MIDI Haven, http://midihaven.com/midi.html
this is an epic song made by epic people who are very very epic and i love them and this requires a very long amount of words
\See the peo ple stand ing there who dis a gree and ne ver win /And wond
But how do /you thank some one who has tak en you from /cray ons to per fume?
Cousins, Opera Australia - 05 Dec 2002 \The trees are whis 'pring a se cret /From tw i light to dawn /The Lord who
for anyone who wants gradius stuff, ill keep posting them :)
stru ~u ~gling /Free of all a tro ci ties and suf f'ring /Be cause I feel the /Un con di tio nal love /From one who
\I'm the one who wants to be with you. /Deep in side I hope you feel it too.
/With some bo dy who loves me.
どっかにいっちゃったんだ (ナイナイ 心技体 実家に帰ります) ああ 未知なる世界と目があったよ 微笑んで 手招きしてるの ねえ こっちの水は スウィーツパラダイス おしゃれ メイク ヘアアレンジ 乙女の園で ダンスした あれ わたし(who
/You made it to the oth er side, /But tell me who will be my guide.
v=dtH_rhfh69Y RIP chinese users who want to hear orginial song
@TThe Cranberries \A no ther head hangs low ly /Child is slow ly ta ken \And the vio lence cau sed si lence /Who
be \Ev e ry bod y's search ing for a he ro /Peo ple need some one to look up to /I nev er found any one who
MidiMe for the score, and the Syncro, and all the nudging to get it right And a very special thanks to Annalise my wife, who
v=rTdBvGlf4BE RIP chinese users who want to hear orginial song
\When I hear lone ly sing ers /Who are just as lost as me, /Ma king noise, not me lo dy.
2006 @T2006 \It had to be you /It had to be you, /I wan dered a round /and fi nal ly found /the some bo dy who
Skelly. (9 Mar 1881) for General MIDI playback To All the Little Boys Who Are the Helpful, Happy Darlings of Their Homes.
who a o h ye ah \Luck y love be longs in teen age hea ven /I know, I know /'Cause I've been there with you