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TURL: http://www.geocites.com/Hollywood/Hills/1533 \When I was young /I'd lis ten to the rad i o /Wait in' for my
/Still make me blue /They say that time /Heals a bro ken heart /But time has stood still /Since we've been
ways shi nin', we just lived for fun \Some times it seems like lat ely, I just don't know /The rest of my
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.3 \When I was young I'd /Listen to the ra di o /Wai ting for my
you made me feel /Yeah, you made me feel /Shi ny and new \Like a vir gin /Touched for the ve ry first time
\Take the rib bon from my hair, /shake it loose and let it fall.
wrong to right /And the stars came out and filled up the sky /The music you were playing real ly blew my
/ This world has lost its glo ry, / let's start a brand new sto ry now, my love.
the fall /Too blind to see the writ ing on the wall \A man can tell a thou sand lies /I've learned my
by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TIT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE @TRoxette \Lay a whis per on my
\Where ver you go /What e ver you do /I will be right here wait ing for you \What e ver it takes /Or how my
You (Eric deRamos) @Tby BE \CHRISTMAS WON'T BE /THE SAME WITHOUT YOU /MARTIN NIEVERA \Words/Music /It's the time
\Should you stop, bet ter not, much too bu sy /You'd bet ter hur ry, my how time does fly.
love you /I will ne ver leave you a lone \Some times I just for get /say things I might re gret /It breaks my
just a lit tle far ther down the line \Moon light, /you're just a heart ache in dis guise; /Won't you keep my
out /I wan na take you on \These w or ds "You will be mine" /These w or ds "You will be mine" /all the time
/break in' my heart in to a mil lion /pie ces like you al ways do . . . \And you . . . . . . . .
\You see I thought /That I might keep you for my own \A mie, what you wan na' d o?
fail \I be lieve in an gels /Some thing good in e very thing I see \I be lieve in an gels /When I know the time