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/You wait for the sun /But it nev er quite comes /Some kind of mes sage comes /Through
n't she love ly /Is n't she won der ful /Is n't she pre cious /Less than one mi nute old /I ne ver thought, through
FILE @V0100 @T Mariah Carey - And You Don't remember @T By Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com \Shat tered dreams /Cut through
/I can't blame you /If you won't take me ba ck /Af ter ev' ry thing /I put you through /But hon ey, you're
Re grets I've had a few /but then a gain \Too few to men tion /I did what I had to do, /and saw it through
good /Eve ry bo dy's free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free \Bro ther and sis ter /To ge ther we'll make it through
Star Trek Through The Years "Star Trek: Through The Years" A Medley of Themes From TV & Film Sequenced for General MIDI
ah ah \She's got both hands in her po cket /And she won't look at you, won't look at you /She hides through
h a nd /if I saw you in hea ven /Would you help me st a nd /if I saw you in hea ven /I'll find my way /through
for so long /For a mir a cle to come /Ev ery one told me to be strong /Hold on and don't shed a tear \Through
turns out the way I planned /When the sky turns gray and there's no end in sight /When I can't sleep through
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Raven @TAlan Parsons Project \The clock struck mid night /And through my sleep ing
\You are the ca n dle, love is the flame /A fire that burns through wind and ra in /Shine your li ght on
hope you like jamm ing too \Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it any how /I and I will see you through
\Ev ery one you know's been through it, /You bite the bul let /Then you chew it.
FILE @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TLIKE A VIRGIN @TMadonna \I made it through
This effect can be accomplished in Cakewalk through use of the
raphael@cnct.com @LENG @TKNOWING ME KNOWING YOU @TABBA \No more care free laugh ter /Si lence e ver a fter \Walk ing through
This effect can be accomplished in Cakewalk through use of the Track view Key