共找到 555 条结果
嚙踝蕭嚙踝蕭 start end start end instrument_type:516 start end instrument_type:514 start end
start end start end start end start end instrument_type:517 start end instrument_type:514 start end
嚙踝蕭襤嚙踝蕭嚙 start end start end instrument_type:517 start end instrument_type:516 instrument_type:516 start end
this is a midi art i made that is of a domino tower, or any type of stacking blocks.
knows start end start end start end start end instrument_plugin_packagename:com.perfectpiano.drum.larsulrich instrument_type
start instrument_type:514 end start end start end start end start end start instrument_type:514 end
perfect_piano_keyone23 perfect_piano_keytwo0 perfect_piano_mode1 perfect_piano_sustain52 perfect_piano_width18 perfect_piano_type1
start end instrument_type:513 start end start end instrument_type:513 start end start end start end start end
perfect_piano_keyone46 perfect_piano_keytwo0 perfect_piano_mode1 perfect_piano_sustain35 perfect_piano_width6 perfect_piano_type1
perfect_piano_keyone20 perfect_piano_keytwo0 perfect_piano_mode1 perfect_piano_width14 perfect_piano_type1_4_0 perfect_piano_type1
PlantsVsZombies (Day) start end start end start end start end start end start end start end start end start end instrument_type
全曲长2分,,存储为只有一个音轨的 TYPE 0 格式。 MIDI 文件中标记的调式为 A 大调,标记的节拍为 4/4。 使用了弯音轮、通道音量控制等 MIDI 事件。
start end start end start end instrument_type:516 start end start end start end start end instrument_type:514 start end
全曲长3分24秒,共6672个音符,存储为只有一个音轨的 TYPE 0 格式,单一曲速 204bpm。 标记的节拍为 6/8、12/8 等。 使用了通道音量控制、左右声道平衡等 MIDI 事件。
ASGORE toby fox start end instrument_type:517 start end
start end start end instrument_type:517 start end
start end start end start end start instrument_type:517 end start end
start end start end start end start end start end start end instrument_type:513 start end
start end start end start end start end instrument_type:517 start end