共找到 291 条结果
Virgil Wallace (16 May 1863) for General MIDI playback
Composed by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865. (1853) for General MIDI playback Ballad
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812--1865. (1857) for General MIDI playback
Wallace. Music by William Dressler. (1862) for General MIDI playback
My Grandmother's Clock Words and Music by Herbert Wallace (1878) for General MIDI playback To Miss Susie L.
Holding on to Yesterday ---by AMBROSIA Blake Wallace klaatu@texoma.net
The Village Maiden's Song Composed by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865 (1851) for General MIDI playback Woodland Sketches
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1860. (1850) for General MIDI playback
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1860. (1847) for General MIDI playback
Ne-La-Me (The Morning Star) Romanza Indiana Words by William Ross Wallace.
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865. (28 Dec 1850) for General MIDI playback To Mlle. Jenny Lind
Wallace. Music by Charles E. Ballard (1864) for General MIDI playback
Keep Step With the Music of of Union Words by William Ross Wallace.
Prologue / Twilight - by Electric Light Orchestra By Blake Wallace & Chris Rada Blake Wallace ---- klaatu@texoma.net
Wallace Winchester. Music by James W. Porter. (4 Apr 1857) for General MIDI playback Prize Song A Beautiful Ballad
Music by by William Vincent Wallace. (1859) for General MIDI playback Serenade Adapted from the Opera MARITANA
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865. (2 Jan 1857) for General MIDI playback Ballad
Wasted Time by The EAGLES Sequenced by Blake Wallace klaatu@texoma.net
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865. (7 Nov 1850) for General MIDI playback Ballad
Music by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865. Arranged for Spanish Guitar by William Dressler.