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/Are you sor ry we drifted apart?
>>> (words & music: Gary Kemp) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Thank you for com ing home /I'm sor
\May be to mor row, a new ro mance, no more sor row. /But that's the
\I write I'm sor ry but my /let ter keeps com ing back.
it on my fin ger tips /Hear it on my win dow pane /Your love's com ing down like /Rain /Wash a way my sor
\She's the kind of girl you want so much /it makes you sor ry /Still you don't re gret a sin gle day \Ah
cho ro no mun do as sim /Quan do lá no céu sur gir /U ma pe re gri na flor /Pois to dos de vem sa ber /Que a sor
www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Vo cê vol tou, me u a mor /A le gri a que me deu /Quan do a por ta a briu /Vo cê sor
coeur s'ha bille de noir /Ce soy eux cor tège /Tout en lar mes blan ches /L'oi seau sur la bran che /Pleure le sor
www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Tu do e ra a pe nas u ma brin ca dei ra /E foi cres cen do, cres cen do, me ab sor
スge /Tout en lar mes blan ches /L'oi seau sur la bran che /Pleure le sor ti l?
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