共找到 359 条结果
/Oo, oo, oo, no, ba by please don't go.
mar, prai as sem fim /Ri o, vo cê foi fei to pra mim \Cris to Re den tor /Bra ços a ber tos sobre a Gua na ba
some one spe cial / Once bit ten and twice shy / I keep my dis tance / But you still catch my eye / Tell me ba
All God's cre a tions great and small /the Gol den Gate and the Taj Ma hal /That's a mi ra cle \Test tube ba
TKaraokê do Brasil - Família Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Ti rei um di a de So ro ca ba
sam zna la /Kri la si od me ne \Druga rice, pro kletni ce /{ta u~i ni ti /[ta ti zna ~i u `i vo tu /{a ka lju ba
- Asa de Águia @IKaraoke do Brasil - 1999 @Ihttp://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \Eu e ra um be ba
\Ven a mi la do y com prue ba el te ji do /más cui da e sas ma nos chico.
filled up the sky /The music you were playing real ly blew my mind /It was love at first sight \'cause ba
un que su ma ri do e ra el mis mo de mo ni o /Te ní a el hom bre un po co de mal ge ni o /E lla se que ja ba
German synth music
\De la sie rra mo re na, cie li to lin do /vie nen ba jan do \un par de o ji tos ne gros, cie li to lin do /de
\The news had come out in the First World War /The blood y Red Ba ron was fly ing once more /The Al lied
\She's a per fect ten /but she wears a twelve, /Ba by keep a lit tle two for me.
\Just call me an gel of the morn ing, AN GEL /just touch my cheek be fore you leave me, ba by.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIslands in the Stream @TKenny Rogers & Dolly Parton @Tseq by Stefan Tesar - kar by Mike M \Ba
can't sing a love song /like the way it's meant to be /well, I guess I'm not that good a ny more /but ba
bad and it's mad /And it's ma king me sad \Be cause I can't be with you /Be with you , be with you , ba