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i made this when I was still new to this music production world
真的只是大概能用了,听个乐呵吧,FKJ yyds, 我的老师是延夏小黑鱼,觉得做的不好的请找延夏小黑鱼_(:з」∠)_
萨克斯,小号,竖琴,电吉他清音,电吉他过载,电吉他重力和弦,低音鼓,小军鼓 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异(第九音轨鼓为原谱鼓,试听专用) B站试听:BV1oM411v7Kv 萨克斯和小号依旧是人声。电子音效应该就差不多这样了
不用专业AS也能有很好的播放效果 此曲已超过20年,原作者已经不可考 纯分享
"Just The Two Of Us" by B. Withers & G. Washingto programmed & performed by
Cutting Crew I just died in your arms tonight
YOU'RE JUST MY LOVE (セーラームーン〜In Another Dream〜より) by Goemon GS Reset REBERB CHORUS
Just coffindance
Just for Shaaring
just bad piggies
I did not make any of this, just posting it
Just a good song
Just getting some points boyz
Just tryin to get points
This is just my casual work
this is just golden hour
I just Reuploaded here :)
just a main theme from godfather