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\Those hap py hours /That we once knew /Though long a go, /They still make me blue \They say that time /Heals
V0100 @IKaraoke File created with EasyKAR @I(c) 1996 Vincenzo Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TIn the Still
Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE FINAL COUNTDOWN @TEurope \We're lea ving to ge ther /But still
Ouellet karaoke@courriel.qc.ca \To day I stumb led from my bed /With thun der crash ing in my head /My pil low still
/Still make me blue /They say that time /Heals a bro ken heart /But time has stood still /Since we've been
from tears / I'll give it to some one spe cial / Once bit ten and twice shy / I keep my dis tance / But you still
Resequenced for GM (SBL4mb - ^^) by SCT I found it really hard to believe that the GB and GBA sound can be mixed together and still
for GM (SBL12mb chaos - ^^) by SCT I found it really hard to believe that the GB and GBA sound can be mixed together and still
Hollywood/Hills/1533/ \It won't be ea sy, you'll think it's strange /When I try to ex plain how I feel /That I still
\She could be sweet six teen, /Bust ing out of the seams, \It's still love in /the first de gree, (uh huh)
I final ly know you /I can see beyond your smile /I think that I can show you /That what we have is still
SNOWONTH (c) 1998 MIDI SONGS @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tsnow on the sahara @Tanggun \On ly tell me that you /still
I knew, I had to run a way yi ay /And get down on my knees and pray yay yay /That they'd go a way /Still
/There must be some thing \still in si de of you. /It seems to m e! Ah, seems to m e! \The
k] @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TStay On Theses Roads (kar exclusive by: tomson) \The cold has a voice /It talks to me /Still
Redner @TKar'ed by : ElCid \O lit tle town of Beth le hem /how still w e see thee lie.
\Take a look through his to ry, /Re cant some bits of po e t ry, \You'll find the wo rds /Still ring tr ue, \
spoke the one word /That I shall hear for ev er more \"Nev er more" /Thus quoth the ra ven, "nev er more" \And still
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSomeone else's dream @TFaith Hill @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \Her mom ma's still got that