共找到 435 条结果
Synbass1 Synstrin Melody Warm pad Piano Synbass1 Voice oh Piano TR-808 GM/GS (c) 1994 MIDI SONGS Ed.
Master Track DM:0000:[Common] Version=DSB202 Name=Voice A Color=181,162,123 DynamicsMode=0 PlayMode=1 [Master] PreMeasure
Bass Trumpet Melody Brass Clean gt Clavinet Choir ah Voice oh Drums Clean gt Piano THATSTHE (c) 1995 INTERNATIONAL
Suaramu -- AB Three - created by purwanto@te.ugm.ac.id, Yogyakarta - special for such a unique voice of you -
As king all kinds of ques tions, to my self, /But ne ver fin ding the ans wers \Cry ing at the top of my voice
You Go E-major IVAN A sensitive number designed to demonstrate full-sounding orchestration while remaining within 32-voice
A叔原版扒谱 制作不易 求赞 这首「Avid」钢琴改编的灵感来自动画系列第22集。这可能是我很长一段时间以来,在电视动画上看过最美丽的影视摄影之一,情绪上的过山车更是迫力满载。86的最后两集延后了3个月播放,但取而代之的是我们获得...
嘿黑夜啊我的老友 我又来找你聊天了 因为有个幻影轻轻爬进来 趁我熟睡时暗暗播下了种子 使这个幻影深植入我脑海中 萦绕盘旋不去 在寂静无声的此刻 在无数不平静的梦中我茕茕独行 行走在鹅卵石铺成狭窄街道上 头顶上街灯的光晕将我...
《千與千尋【永遠常在C大調演奏版】》 是一首宮崎駿動畫音樂風格的 MIDI 音樂,由合成violin、celesta、合成主音voice、合成cello等 4 種樂器合奏。
Synth Synth Reverse Echo Cymbal Intro Guitar 1st Guitar 2nd Guitar Backup Vocals Bass Harmonics/feedback Voice
YOURDISC YOURDISC Fing.Bs Strings Melody 1 Melody 2 Voice Oh Fr.Horn +Starsh.
Main Title - (orchestral version) - from "LAPUTA" arranged by Frankie Ho voiced for SC-55 Please give comments!
Main Title (piano version) from "LAPUTA" arranged by Frankie Ho voiced for SC-55 Please feel free to comment!
Milano Publishing Slap bs2 Steel gt Melody Accordio Trumpet Trombone Muted tr Choir ah Drums Voice oh Steel gt
A_CHI (c) 1996 INTERNATIONAL MIDI HITS Edizioni Milano Publishing Acous.bs Steel gt Melody Church 1 Voice Oh Piano
Fing.Bs Warm Pad Melody Voice Oh Bass & L Rev.Cymb Dist.Gt Dist.Gt Drums Overd.Gt Gt.FretN Steel Gt Vocalist (c)
Thomas Generated by NoteWorthy 1.0 Voice Lead Piano Lead Piano-001 Piano-002 Strings Percussion-Snare Percussion-Bongo Percussion-Cymbal