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mar cha es toy, con mu cho que /ver y vi vir, con cie los a zu les an dan do voy, a un lu gar a si /so ña ba
\Thir teen- month- old ba by /Broke the look ing glass.
\There goes my ba by, there goes my heart, /they're gone for ev er, /they're so far a part.
can be no de ny ing /One of us is chang ing, or /may be we' ve just stopped try ing \And it's too late, ba
a voice /It talks to me /Still born, by choice /It airs no need /To hold \An old man feels the cold /Oh ba
\wish your tir ed feet were fi re proof /Un der the boa rd walk, /down by the sea \On a blank et with my ba
\At the Co pa, Co pa ca ba n
The Cars
gize /You're so u gly when you cry /Please, /Just cut it out \Don't tell me you're sor ry cause you're not /Ba
\Hey sweet ba by, /Don't you think may be /We could find us a brand new re ci pe.
/Là où tous nos an cêtres /de gé ants guer riers celtes, /A près de grandes ba tailles /se sont im po sés en
from a bove \I won der, won der who, bi du du, who /Who wrote the book of love \I love you, da r ling /Ba
breeze /All of na ture, wild and free \This is where I long to be /La is la bo ni ta \And when the sam ba
piano ice rain s.strings strings strins3 jingl bell cabasa cabasa bubanj ice rain bas
with Karakan @LENGL @T>>> ELVIS PRESLEY <<< @T>>> TEDDY BEAR (1957) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba
Twelth street and Vine \I'm gonna' be standin on the corner /Twelth street and Vine \With my Kan sas Ci ty ba
/Mum mum mum mah \I wan na hold em' like /they do in Tex as Plays /Fold em' let em' hit me raise it /ba
\B-, b-, b-, ba by, you just ain't /seen na-, na-, noth in yet.
@TSuspicious Minds @TElvis Presley \We're caught in a trap /I can't walk out /Be cause I love you too much ba