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Tucker Ht 58d
P Simon Mother And Child
软件用大合奏,升八度,鲁特琴演奏。 不知道玩这个游戏的有没有喜欢摇滚乐的。
Nobody's Child Words by E. D. Music by Gussie Estabrook. (1868) for General MIDI playback To Miss Maggie Ingalls, Omaha,...
The main theme from "The Child of Light" computer game. Transcribed into MIDI by ear
God Bless The Child
Beautiful Child of Song by Stephen Collins Foster (1860) for General MIDI playback
Jesus To A..
The Dying Child's Request Ballad Words--anonymous. Music by William H. Oakley. (1851) for General MIDI playback
The Basket's Maker's Child To Oliver Drake, Esq Solo & Chorus Words and Music by H. S. Thompson (1861) for General MI...
My Wife and Child Song Words by Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson. Music by F. W. Rosier. (1863) for General MIDI pl...
大合奏 多人合奏 音轨1:电吉他:过载 音轨2:长笛 音轨3:电吉他:清音 音轨4:电吉他:重力和弦 音轨5:小军鼓 音轨6:低音鼓 (音轨7仅作试听用) ===================== 不知道该说些什么,因为...
Hewitt Jhh 46mbc