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王菲《EYES ON ME》,《最终幻想8》的主题曲,重新配器增强鼓点音轨,老歌新效果,不多说~听!
王菲演唱的最终幻想8主题曲 依旧是Rei富有感情的手弹录入 推荐用钢琴 合奏版本:https://www.midishow.com/en/midi/ff14-8-ffviii-eyes-on-me-finalfantasy-viii-midi-download
最终幻想8主题曲 同兴趣者可加群:644325856(以后有新谱先在群发布试听版) 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
Eyes On Me (FF? Piano Collections) by T.Y 参考資料:FINAL FANTASY ? Piano Collections
爱尔兰古典音乐风格Ben Johnson (1572-1637) 本·琼森 选自 Great Short Poems 《短诗精萃》 (Song to Celia)西丽亚颂歌 Drink to me only with thine eyes
Look With Thy Fond Eyes Upon Me by Septimus Winner, 1827-1902 for General MIDI playback To Mrs. Lizzie A.
竖琴。 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异。 一个朋友让我做的。这首音域差不多都在里面,只调整了三个地方,独奏效果还行
第一音轨钢琴,第二音轨鲁特琴。独奏有单独的谱。 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异。 还是那朋友要求做的(虽然他也没有人合奏)。找到了个完美还原的谱子,后续可能会弄出来(但是堆了一堆想做的谱子,咕咕咕)
单簧管,长笛,竖琴,鲁特琴,电吉他清音,电吉他清音,小提琴,低音鼓 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异(第九音轨为试听专用鼓) 鼓做了较大改动,肯定不怎么贴合原曲了,然后部分音效做不出来,至少主旋律应该没问题
Midi file of Reisen's Theme, Lunatic Eyes. Midi file is remaked by me.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @MSKS @Universal Lyrics Editor @MDR SOFTWARE @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it @LENGL @TAll Of Me
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWill You Still Love Me Tomorrow @TFour Seasons \To night you're mine com plete ly /You
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TKilling me Softly with his Song @TNorman Gimbel \I heard he sang
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEverybody's Talking @TNillson \Ev e ry body's talk in' at me /I don't hear a word they're
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @TMariah Carey - You need me @TBy Lauriane @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TJuin 2004 \Wait a mi
chair /And when you moved your mouth to speak /I felt the blood go to my feet /Now it took time for me
Programmers: odun PsmPlayer V5.0
Black Eyes Peas - Meet me halfway /I can't go a ny fur ther then this /I want you so ba dly, it's my bi ggest
light up the dark Try as I may I can never explain What I hear when you don't say a thing The smile on your face lets me